Incoming Dual Degree Programs


NCU accepts students nominated by the International Offices of its partner universities. For the eligibility of application, please contact the International Offices of your home university regarding the partnership with NCU.

Procedure of Application

  1. Apply for the Dual Degree Student Program from Home University
  2. Nominated by the International Office of Home University
  3. Documents Sent to Host University
  4. Host University Examines the Application
  5. Result Informed by Host University
  6. Applicants Receive "Letter of Acceptance" or "Letter of Rejection"

Required Documents

  1. Application Form
  2. Official Academic Transcript (current study) issued by Home University
  3. Official Enrollment Certificate (currently study) issued by Home University
  4. Official Degree Certificate of the Highest Degree
  5. Official Transcript of the Highest Degree
  6. Letter of Nomination issued by the International Affairs Office of Home University
  7. Letter of Recommendation
  8. Copy of Information Page of Passport
  9. Head Photo (JEPG file and follow the passport photo standard)
  10. NCU Student Dormitory Application Form (optional)
  11. Other required documents according to the double degree agreements

Application Deadline

Fall Semester (First Semester): May 15

Spring Semester (Second Semester): November 15 

Duration of the Semester

Fall Semester: August~January (Class starts in mid-September, ends in mid-January)

Spring Semester: February~July (Class starts in mid-February, ends in late June)

Course Query 

Mailing Address

National Central University

Office of International Affairs

300, Jhongda Rd., Jhnogli District,Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320

Dual Degree Program Coordinator

Ms. Novia Chen

Tel: +886-3-4207151#57083

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